In a DV Relationship?
You are currently experiencing domestic violence and need support

What is Domestic and Family Violence?
There are many types of domestic and family violence. It is violent, abusive or intimidating behaviour by a partner, carer or family member to control, dominate or cause fear. It doesn’t have to be physical abuse. It can be emotional, psychological, financial, sexual or other types of abuse.
It can affect anyone in the community, regardless of gender, sexual identity, race, age, culture, ethnicity, religion, disability, economic status or location.
If you’re a victim of domestic and family violence our service is here to help you.
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Are You Ready To Leave?
Do you have a Safety Plan?
Leaving or staying in a relationship when you live with violence and abuse every day is a hard decision to make. Here are some things to consider
Staying safe while in a violent relationship
What you can do now to stay as safe as possible if you and your children live with domestic and family violence daily
How to make a plan to keep you and your kids safe when living with abuse and violence, plus what to put in an emergency bag
How to leave a violent relationship safely
Leaving and just before leaving violence can be a dangerous time. It's important that you make a leaving plan so you are safe
Staying safe online and on your devices
Technology and the internet can be used by an abuser to control or monitor someone. Here's how to stay safe online, use your devices safely and protect your information
For extended information in each category above go to:
Let's Make A Change
One of our Case Managers or Support Workers will meet with you to understand your unique circumstance.
We will then work with you to:
create a safety plan and
create a strategy to move you forward.
This will include connecting you with services in the Government and not for profit sectors.
There are two ways to contact us:
Call or message us on 0431 936 031
Our team volunteer Monday - Thursday and will reply to you within 24 -48 hours of receiving your enquiry. Any enquiries received on a Friday or over the weekend will be reviewed and replied to on the Monday/ Tuesday.
One of our team will then call you to set up an appointment. They will also gather some details from you to assist with making this first appointment effective and hopefully enabling 'solutions' to be identified quickly to support you and to help make you safe.